10 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Anger

4 min readSep 9, 2020


While anger can act as a constructive emotion at times to get things done, it has adverse effects on our bodies in the long run. Here are some tips to help you reduce your anger.

Though less spoken out openly, we all know that anger management and keeping calm is one of the most important things we all need to learn. It is not just about socially acceptable behaviour, but anger management is important for a healthy heart and mind. So, without much ado, lets us look at some tips to help you calm yourself down and control your anger:

1. Breathe –

Anger, or any other intense emotion, requires a lot of energy. When this happens, our blood pressure and breathing rate increase to supply our body cells with more oxygen. It might not sound much to you, but this sudden change has its own set of repercussions.

When you realize that your breathing is rapid because of your anger, try taking deep breaths. You will feel your anger subsiding and your heartbeat returning back to normal. Walk away if you want to, but do not let anger affect your body.

2. Countdown to 1 — Counting down helps you take a time out and focus on something else. Start from 10 and count back to 1. You will be much calmer and it is likely that by the time you are done counting down, you would’ve thought about your action or words and decided to not act on your anger.

3. Try thinking of pleasant things — Nature is a healer and thinking of good things can make you feel calm. Try listening to the song of the brook while you feel the wind enveloping you in its embrace. Just the thought of this feels amazing, right?
Just in case this doesn’t calm you down, think about the things you love — the smile of your kids, that trophy sitting proudly on your work desk, or a big chocolate cake — any will do.

4. Start humming your favourite song — Music calms down one’s nerves and once you sing a line or two, you will start enjoying your music and sing out loud instead of focusing on your anger. Who knows you might even startle your opponent and win the argument based on this Gandhian Principle of peace and calm!

5. Feel it and throw it out –

If nothing works and you feel like you have to act out on your anger, then do it; no one should ever be stopped from feeling things. Punch something or close your hands into a tight fist; just do not offend others. If you feel alone and want to scream or cry, then do it. It is okay, you have been hurt. Just have a glass of water after you are done and then try the aforementioned things to bring back your calm.

6. Walk through it — Studies suggest that walking releases happy hormones. Exercising will calm you down and possibly, divert your thoughts. Bonus — well, you will be working out!

7. Write about it in your journal –

Writing about your feelings is a great way to process any emotion. It acts as a safe space and helps to gain a perspective as you go through the events leading to the build-up. You will probably find a solution or a valid argument to help you with your situation.

8. Talk to a friend –

Not only talking to someone helps by giving you a safe space to express yourself, but it also helps you get someone else’s perspective on the matter at hand.

9. Act on it, but constructively — When your anger is justified and there is something wrong happening in your vicinity, then you should act on it without letting it affect your physical or mental health. First calm yourself down and then try to do something about the problem. You can talk to the authorities concerned or write applications or petitions.

10. Therapy — If you think that you get angry often and that these techniques are not helping you calm down, then you might want to talk to a professional. Extended periods of anger can do some serious harm to your body and a therapist can help you gain your inner peace and calm. Remember, there is nothing wrong in reaching out.

And if you want to feel happy about something to help you manage your anger, then these funny animal videos are here to make your day! We, at Fuzia, are always there for you on such difficult days. Just reach out to us at www.fuzia.com




Written by Fuzia

Fuzia stands for Fusion of different cultures & ideas. We are a global community of females that aims to promote creativity through guidance & help from experts

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