10 Things That Make Us Realise the Positives of a Lockdown

4 min readApr 28, 2020


Here’s a list of things that have mostly happened unintended during this lockdown!

With all the chaos, fear and panic that has engrossed all of us in these past months, we are yet here because let’s say that Andy from the all-time classic Shawshank Redemption was right when he said that ‘Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies’!

In our locked up times and missing on the everyday little routine like dressing-up, meeting friends, going to our work/party places and whatnot, let’s not forget that we are blessed enough to be able to afford the kind of luxury we are in. I mean, these aren’t even actual problems.

So, are you ready to check the to-do list and see what unintended benefits have happened at this wicked time?

#1. Healthy outside has already begun from the inside!

Every mom’s dream has finally come true and most of us are on a SUPER healthy diet. Well, if not the lockdown, home-made food is what we wouldn’t depend on given the kind of options we’re all exposed to. Also, it’s time to FOCUS on that I’ll-be-with-you illness which you’ve kept on ignoring for so long now. Now you can strike your health o’clock if you haven’t done it yet and respect your body!

#2. Time spent with family is truly WORTH IT.

Many of us are relaxed after a LONG, LONG TIME. We haven’t been in our homes for such a long duration for years now. Now that we are here, we feel absolutely blissful and selfishly thankful in so many ways! This bittersweet time ain’t coming back and we know that in the heart of our hearts!

#3. What about that creative kid who’s long lost in the early 2000s?

It’s finally time to remember our creative kid-version and let it out only for the greater good! In our busy schedules, one thing we’re sure of is we ain’t getting any time to explore the creative sides of us and practice ‘I-used-to-do’ things! If you still haven’t begun yet, start it today!

#4. Why should the memories just EXIST when we can LIVE them?

Believe me, there’s nothing like reliving old memories, which will be ours forever! Sitting back comfortably and looking at the past, we experience both: joy and a sweet pinch of times we can’t live again. That’s the beauty of an old photograph! Personal suggestion: Don’t go through your embarrassing pics lest you want to be the joke of your house for at least two days! LOL.

#5. There is enough for a man’s need but not for his greed!

Our Bapu knew it a long ago what we’re going to face today! Not the virus hit of course, but what it is like to save on to resources and survive on the essentials. It is only now that we all have realized that more than half of our spending is unnecessary and could’ve been avoided. Next time you go to spend your hard-earned money on things unnecessary, remember these times for at least your savings sake! Phew!

#6. Crimes have reduced drastically. Wait, what?

It won’t be harsh to say that humans can be the most cruel of beings in the kind of crimes that have been observed. With the lockdown phase, there’s an 80% drop, as obviously people stay indoors! Woah, isn’t that amazing to know that it was JUST us creating ruckus ALL OVER?

#7. Are we taking greater care of our families, NOW more than EVER?

Happily, YES! It has been observed that youngsters are taking extra care of their parents now. The reasons could be the elders being more susceptible to the disease (because of usual low immunity) or just the time we have all got together, but frankly, who cares? Caring shouldn’t come with a clause!

#8. Knowledge of Scriptures isn’t harmful right, is it?

With families together, what’s better than watching television and be that big-small Indian family of all time! With the old-and-gold Ramayana and Mahabharata on screens, Doordarshan becomes the most-watched channel with 1.9 billion views for two weeks in a row! Are you watching people?

#9. The Earth is what we all have in common!

Any guesses on the rate of reduction in pollution? 33% (Yay!). With many animals having a good time on the streets, we are observing this for the first time in most people’s living memory! Here’s for you to know what affects has lockdown made on the climate!

#10 We are fighting this time TOGETHER!

What has been the game-changer for our country is the right kind of order-implementation and the determination of the entire nation to not let the virus in! Our togetherness is our silver lining!

Personal Mention: A huge THANK YOU to all the lionheart doctors, nurses, bank officials, and essential service providers. You deserve much more. Sending across warm regards to you!


Originally published at https://www.fuzia.com.




Written by Fuzia

Fuzia stands for Fusion of different cultures & ideas. We are a global community of females that aims to promote creativity through guidance & help from experts

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