11 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers!

5 min readSep 17, 2022


Here is a guide to the habits of highly effective job seekers that can help you when you apply for your next job!

At some points in our lives, we will be applying to or looking for jobs. Be it an internship, part-time, full-time, or freelance job you must have certain skills that all employers look for. While there is no guarantee or 100?curacy, it is the effort that counts.

To help you get ready for your next interview, we have come up with 11 tips:

1. Update your resume

Whenever you complete a job, acquire a new skill, learn a language, or even obtain certification in something, make sure you add it to your resume at that point. The smallest things make the biggest difference. When you apply for a job, ensure that your resume is up to date. Grammar mistakes are always off-putting, so make sure you double-check your resume!

2. Have two resumes

Each company has different requirements. Some recruiters do not like long descriptive resumes, while others might want a detailed explanation of your past work. So instead of being caught off guard, you should always be prepared. Have one long resume and one short resume. When you apply for jobs, ask the recruiter what they would like, and send it along.

3. Keep your reference in check

More often than not, recruiters check your references or letters of recommendation. Instead of scrambling for the last minute, keep all your references handy. If you have provided the contact information of a previous employer/mentor/teacher, make sure to give them a heads up, mentioning that they might get a call about you.

4. Communication skill

As you already know, communication is key. Employers look for those who can communicate effectively and clearly through both verbal and non-verbal mediums. Make sure you communicate clearly to them through the screening rounds. Communication also includes listening, so make sure you brush up on your listening skills and show them that you can follow instructions clearly.

5. Candidness/Honesty

It is extremely important to be honest about yourself, your skillset, and your expectations to the employer. Employers look for those who can provide them accurate, timely information regarding work. Admit when you make a mistake, do not cover it up, learn from it so you do not do it again.

6. Resilience

A lot of employers look for resilience in an employee. The work environment can get difficult and hard to deal with. But that does not mean you give up easily. It is usually the toughest tasks that give us the most satisfaction on completion. Be the individual that views hurdles in an optimist manner, not the one who views them as insurmountable.

7. Control

Employers look for those who are in control of their careers. If you know and have an explanation for every career or educational decision that you have taken, no matter how bizarre it might be, your control and confidence will appeal to them. People look for those who are not bogged down by others. Be the one who does not let external factors influence or hamper your potential.

8. Time Management

The first test an employer takes is that of time management. Value your time and theirs. There are many things to get done in a day and a deficit of minutes to get them done. To show them that you value time, turn up 10 minutes early for your interview.

9. Groomed

Grooming might seem like a small factor, but employers notice the way you groom yourself. Be well-groomed and well dressed for your interview. Grooming indicates the kind of person you are. To them, it proves that you are capable of taking care of yourself, which is bound to impress them.

10. Friendly

Always be friendly and polite. If you enter an interview with an air of arrogance around you, your recruiter will instantly be put off. A lot of work involves working in teams and communicating with others. If you come off as friendly right off the bat, it shows them that you can work in a team and with others.

11. Creative

The only way to survive in this competitive world is creativity. It is your creativity that makes you unique and stands out. It is what differentiates you from others. Always be ready to present an idea or two that you have thought of, and remember to be confident when you do.

These are some tips that can help you get ready for any job interview.

The process of applying for a job is a difficult and scary one. There will be times where you might not get the job that you were longing for. But in the real world, a few hits and misses are okay. Don’t let rejection bring you down, it is after all a learning experience. But you must remember that if you put in the effort, you will get a beneficial result.

If you would like to know more about the traits required, you can click here!

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Image Source: Unsplash.com, google images




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