Is feminism different from gender equality? How? Often used as interchangeable synonyms, feminism and gender equality are two distinct terms. Read the article to gain more clarity on the difference between feminism and gender equality.
A cry for equal rights and opportunities on the basis of gender has never skipped either of the two terms — feminism and gender equality. Feminism and gender equality are widely used as synonymous words. But is that correct? Can we afford to confuse feminism with gender equality? Albeit both of these terms aim at equal rights and opportunities for the genders, they are significantly distinct. The subtle distinction between the two terms are clarified ahead.
What is feminism? Where did it come from?
Feminism is the belief that aims at gaining and protecting equal rights for women. It advocates such rights for women grounded on the equality of the genders. One may say and rightly so that feminism is a much needed response to age-old patriarchy.
The roots of feminism spread across times as early as the late 1700s. The prolonged oppression of women and their rights by men and the patriarchal society was the impetus to the rise of feminism. Literary legends, social activists and groups of woke individuals tried, failed and finally succeeded to raise awareness about feminism.
It is no secret that our society has been dominated by men for the major part of history. Patriarchy has and is still depriving women of their rights, freedom and an equal share of opportunities. Feminism thus, works toward ripping off this discrimination against women that restricts them at different walks of life.
Then what is gender equality? How is it different from feminism?
What is gender equality?
The purpose and meaning of gender equality has evolved drastically over the decades. Up until a few decades ago, gender equality was the ultimate goal of feminism, it still is. However, the impetus to reach this goal is different for different sections of society.
For centuries that were slaves to patriarchal society, gender equality cried for the freedom and rights of women. It was only a few decades ago that gender equality was defined to be inclusive of protecting equal rights for all genders.
The subtle distinction between the two is often blurring and confusing. The forthcoming points will offer enhanced clarity on the difference between feminism and gender equality.
5 ways feminism is different from gender equality
The next time someone says that feminism is gender equality, share this article and help them gain clarity. The following points can be considered as measures to differentiate.
1. Definition
The definition of feminism is not complete without the terms “patriarchy” and “women”. It can only be justifiably defined when the cause and the body concerning the cause is used simultaneously. Gender equality can be defined as a state where rights and opportunities are not discriminated against on the basis of gender.
2. Impetus
Feminism and gender equality might have a unified arena at their final destination but the impetus to both are completely distinct. After countless years of oppression and sufferings for women, feminism arose to fight against patriarchy. Gender equality, on the other hand, was propelled out of several causes at different points of time.
3. Aim
Albeit the aim of both the terms may appear to be one, it is subtly distinct from one another. The purpose of feminism is to advocate for women’s rights at a social, political and economic front. It does not aim at proving the other gender inferior, nor does it aim at crying for men’s rights. Whereas, gender equality aims at advocating for the equality and rights of all genders including men, women, queer and more.
4. Goal
It is not wrong to say that the goal of feminism is gender equality. For centuries and decades, women have wanted an equal access to rights, opportunities and respect as that of men. Thus, it is absolutely correct to say that feminism aims at gender equality for women. However, the obvious goal of gender equality is to have equal rights and opportunities for all genders regardless of their approaches.
5. Rights & Opportunities
It is crystal clear that feminism is strictly concerned with the rights of women that have been crushed for the most part of history. It deals with securing equal opportunities for women and in no way is feminism a way to vocalize for men. Neither does feminism aim at crushing the rights and opportunities for men in any way.
Gender equality, however, is concerned with demanding and protecting equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender identity. It is the ultimate front of unison for rights and opportunities to all genders on a social, political and economical level.
It must also be conveyed that feminism, in no way, is a belief to disrespect, belittle or crush men and their rights and opportunities.
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