Life, an adventure full of obstacles. It’s fun, it’s draining, it’s emotions and it’s happening! In the midst of all the days passing by, hold on, find out things to live your life by!
No-one has the right to tell you how to live your life. I know. But don’t you think you have been way too hard on yourself? Consider a moment where you face death, what picture do you imagine? Are you happy? Satisfied and content with your life to take leave? Or are there regrets piling up? Life has no rules, but life should be lived with happiness. Life should have LIFE in it. The longer we postpone our living, we postpone our happiness. And when the moments pass by and become years, all you can think of is two words “I wish ……”.
I have realised that nobody wants that feeling, not me, not you. In fact, nobody deserves it! Consider these tips as advice to find contentment within yourself, so that, later on when you reflect, you have a big wide smile on that beautiful face of yours.
1. Past in Peace.
The root of sadness of us not being “here” is that we dwell in our past and this hampers the happiness of the present moment. Your past mistakes don’t define you. So, instead of digging the skeletons in the cupboard, sow the seeds of happiness. Start living for today and let the past be where it belongs.
Forgive other people and their past mistakes.
Forgive yourself for all of it.
2. What people think is none of your business.
If you think what people think, what’s the difference between your thoughts and theirs? Don’t fall into the trap of wasting your energy in this trash. Be conscious and choose your thoughts carefully. Don’t absorb the mindsets of other people, instead be so firm in your beliefs that nothing can shake you and your decision.
3. Give time some time
The person who’s impatient is more at loss than the beggar. It’s true, buy it or not. Often, we hurry so much that we settle for things less than we deserve. Acknowledge the present sufferings. Acknowledge the pain. Give some time to yourself in this uncomfortable situation of life. Learn from it and then, let it go. Come back stronger. Remember, time always passes by — be it happy or sad.
4. Happiness is a choice, not a compulsion
Don’t force yourself to be happy when you ain’t. There will be sad times, bad times, mad times and all of the chaos spilling over you. Shhh, calm down. Happiness doesn’t mean burying all these feelings and smearing a smile which is not from your heart. Happiness is a choice, a healthy one. It’s not a rule to be happy always. So when you are sad, be sad. Be in that moment, embrace that feeling completely.
5. Your thoughts don’t deserve comparison
Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t you dare to measure your thought process with others and lament why ain’t you as cool as them! Because see, you know why already! You are comparing, stop that — Period!
6. What’s yours is yours. What isn’t, isn’t.
Many a time we witness people whining, complaining and residing at that moment, being stubborn with things which ain’t meant to be. Things that hurt you, people who don’t bring peace don’t deserve you. So let them go. If it’s written for you and even if it is buried beneath the mountains, it will reach you. What is not meant for your good won’t be yours even if it’s between your lips. Understand this and let it sink in.
7. Discard unnecessary weight.
We carry the load of things that don’t really need to travel with us and won’t serve well to our higher purpose. You have to accept that not everything is under control. It is important to realise that releasing is for good. Accept the right responsibility and let go which doesn’t function or sync with your life.
Of all the rules and the books and the thesis and the people …… Ufff, relax and breathe. Everything is wired around the acceptance of the right things and letting go of the wrong ones. Think wise, make plans. Live in the moment and take charge of your life. Enough with the autopilot mode already! And hey, you ain’t stuck, you are learning. The only escape out of the loop life you are going through is to realise that you got to grow through it.
If you are wondering how to get rid of a bunch of negative thoughts taking a toll on you, I got you. Read this and get rid of it. Time to consign things, mend yourself and LIVE your life!
Cheers to you!
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