A Self-Defense Guide by Fuzia

5 min readJan 29, 2020


It’s 2020 and while women are leading AI, they still continue to be treated as a weaker subject. We will not take this anymore; women will fight back.

The structure of the society is at fault where women continue to be the subjects of physical and mental abuse. Violence against women has taken up many forms of molestation or so-called ‘eve-teasing’, rape, sexual harassment on the roads, buses, gym, at the workplace and even in their homes. And it is so disturbing that the term- eve-teasing in itself carries a light connotation that it oversees the trauma behind it. There have been several instances where eve-teasing turned out to be a demonic giant that took lives.

In many cases, women feel weak because of the patriarchal conditioning by society but the table has turned now. Women defend themselves and will continue to do so. We need to realize our strength and overturn the programming of the society which tries to convince women that they are the ‘weaker sex’.

Only when we believe in our strength, we will be able to strike out fear and embarrassment. To make sure of that, we want you to learn tactics to defend yourself against a potential physical threat.
Fuzia has curated a list of basic yet impactful tactics to help you dodge any threat and fight back unwanted circumstances and they are:

Stay Alert

You can choose to be carefree while staying aware of your surroundings. To avoid any kind of unwanted and dangerous attack, you need to detect the early signs of it. You must never ignore patterns if you notice any.

While traveling we often tend to be busy texting or listening to our favorite band and then we let our guards off for a moment and that is exactly what we need to avoid.

Memorize the Vulnerable Spots of the Attacker

Knowing the weakness of your attacker will always save you, no matter how big the attacker is in shape or size. The main vulnerable spots are the eyes, nose, throat, chest, knees, and groin.

You are free to attack in any way you think will be more effective but the most effective moves are aimed at these body parts.

The Simplest Moves that are Highly Effective

One of the most effective moves is to attack the groin of the attacker. It is definitely going to make the attacker whimper. The attacker will get paralyzed after you hit on his groin.

Another strong move would be to grab the attacker’s wrist. Grab his little finger and ring finger with one hand, and his middle and index finger with the other and pull apart with all your strength.

If you are unable to grab your opponent’s hand, hit him with a fist or with a finger between the collarbones or into his Adam’s apple. This will disorient your opponent’s energy. It will take him a long time to come back to his senses.

If Someone Grabs You from the Front

In cases where you find yourself grabbed from the front, hit the attacker’s nose with your forehead.

If you cannot lift your hands then try to move your hands forward towards your pelvis and make a fist. This will give you enough space and now you attack him on the nose. After this make a hard blow towards his groin using your knee.

If You Are Attacked from Behind

To set yourself free, quickly bend back and try to attack him with the back of your head. It’s OK if you can’t do it. Try to make the attacker put one of his legs forward.

After you manage to do so then quickly bend down, grab his leg and get up pulling it with you. Now the attacker will lose balance and you will be able to drop even a giant opponent.

If You are Attacked from the Side

In such situations, an elbow hit is your best chance. Attack your opponent’s temple, jaw, or nose with an arched move.
Now that you have made your first move, attack him in the chest or stomach. An elbow attack at such spots will surely make your opponent disorient for seconds.

How to set your arms free

You need to remember the “thumb rule” to set your arms free. Rotate your arm to the side of the attacker’s thumb.

If he is holding your arm tightly, rotate your wrist toward the thumb. When your arm is under the attackers, pull your arm as strongly as you can.

If You are pushed against the wall

It has been seen that the attackers often try to corner their targets against a wall. In such cases, you need to memorize the vulnerable spots and attack depending on your position.

Always try to make some space or disorient the attacker for enough time so that you can fight back.
* Hit the attacker in his armpit with straightened palms if both of his hands are up.
* If one of his hands is down then there is a high possibility that he can be hit in his chest.
* Squat a little and go up making a strong hit him in the jaw with your head.

We have always been vulnerable to cognitive and physical attacks. The self-defense guide is essential to our safety. Apart from physical defense, there are other aspects of personal safety and we would like you to know how to deal with uncomfortable situations.

You can always use your verbal skills to express resistance. Use negotiation; humor; use repetition; reverse the question or change the script.

Defense against Weapons

Memorize the above-written techniques and kicks to incapacitate your opponent. Use humor and verbal skills or paralyzing kicks, depending upon the situation.

As much as techniques of physical self-defense, we must train ourselves to deal with mental abuse as well. Let’s pledge to say no to nonsense when it comes to self-defense.

Fuzia is with you, if you want to talk and share anything, we are always available. Do reach out to us. Let’s walk together on the path of strength and courage.


Originally published at https://www.fuzia.com.




Written by Fuzia

Fuzia stands for Fusion of different cultures & ideas. We are a global community of females that aims to promote creativity through guidance & help from experts

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