Did You Know That Breast-feeding Had Benefits For Moms

4 min readSep 18, 2021


You must be aware of the fact that breastfeeding has numerous benefits for newborn babies. However, did you know that breastfeeding had benefits for mothers as well? Yes, despite the numerous teething problems (literally and metaphorically), breastfeeding comes with its own set of benefits.

The body of a woman gets ready for breastfeeding before they even give birth. When a woman is pregnant, their breasts change. These changes allow the breasts to make milk and thus, during the process and later, they may cause them to feel more tender and fuller.

Once a baby is born, their act of suckling releases hormones in the mother’s body that causes the breasts to make and release milk.

It is widely known that breastmilk is no less than the dose of immunity a baby needs to fight most diseases for the rest of his life. Breastfeeding has the following benefits for babies -

1. It reduces the risk of infections in gut, lungs, ears and also lessens the chances of catching cold easily.

2. It provides better immunity against viruses and bacteria as the breast milk contains antibodies from the mother which helps strengthen the immune system of the new born baby.

3. Babies who have been breastfeeding have very less risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

4. Breastfeeding also reduces the chances of diabetes for babies.

5.Besides the numerous other benefits, breastfeeding helps maintain the healthy weight of a child.

With all that information, let’s now unfurl what’s good in there in this teething activity for the supermoms (all moms are supermoms).

1. Enhanced Recovery

The body of a mother releases oxytocin when they are breastfeeding. This helps faster uterine contraction that facilitates the uterus to return to its normal size faster. The mothers who breastfeed their babies also tend to lose the postpartum weight much faster than the ones who don’t.

2. Psychological Benefits

Being a mother doesn’t end at giving birth to a baby after carrying it for nine months and undergoing the unimaginably painful labour. The postpartum period and then for the rest of the life, stress never leaves the mother. However, did you know that there are psychological benefits of breastfeeding? For the duration of breastfeeding, the process helps cure depression in mothers.

The release of oxytocin while breastfeeding makes the mother feel good. It enhances the bond of the mother with her baby and makes her feel more confident and secure about her motherhood. Besides, breastfeeding also increases the production of prolactin in the mother’s body which further helps in stress reduction and enhances the feel-good factor.

3. Reduced Risk of Fatal Diseases

Regardless of how amusing this may appear, it is supported by facts that breastfeeding reduces the risk of fatal diseases for mothers. The total time a mother spends on breastfeeding her child is linked to a reduced risk for breast and ovarian cancers. It was also found that breastfeeding reduces the risks of developing type 2 diabetes in mothers.

For the ones who are already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, breastfeeding was found to increase insulin sensitivity in them which further reduces the severity of this disease. It was also found that women who breastfeed have lower chances of heart diseases, high blood pressure and blood fats.

4. Contraceptive benefits

The last thing you would want to be worrying about as a nursing mom is to keep track of your periods. Well, guess what? The female body naturally pauses menstruation and ovulation cycles when a mother is breastfeeding. This is why it is always advised to maintain a significant gap between pregnancies. As a perk of it, you get good time to adapt to the responsibilities of a new mother and spend some quality family time.

There is no second thought to it that breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful things for both the mother and the baby. However, it is completely a mothers decision as and when to stop it or not do it and it should be equally respected. Many women find challenges producing breast milk and that, under no circumstances, should be looked down upon.

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Image source: Unsplash




Written by Fuzia

Fuzia stands for Fusion of different cultures & ideas. We are a global community of females that aims to promote creativity through guidance & help from experts

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