Everyday Struggles of a Tomboy You Will Relate To If You are One!
Being a tomboy is hard. You see a lot of rolling eyes and whispers all around. The everyday struggle of a tomboy is a hard-hitting reality in the society where a woman is expected to possess all the feminine qualities and act, talk, walk, think, dress and even behave like what society expects as per the “so-called” standards.
It is no more than getting ready for a war on a daily basis, which can get on your nerves real bad! The society should just let a person be and let them do more of what they think they are comfortable in!
So here is a list of commentaries passed on every tomboy either once in a while in their lifetime or the worst; every day!
1. People may assume you to be a lesbian: It’s not new when people doubt you about your sexuality when you hang out with other girls. But to be clear, every tomboy is not supposedly is a lesbian, they may be straight. I mean, the way they dress does not necessarily have anything to do with who they are interested in.
2. Reminding people, you are still a “Woman”: Sure, you may not carry yourself like a typical woman and wear heels or wear a slit dress. And because of the fact that people have gotten so much used to seeing you dress like a guy, they forget that you are women. So it becomes your unconscious efforts to remind them that even if you are not that feminine, you still are a woman!
3. You don’t know what it’s like to be asked for a “date”: When was the last time you got asked out on a date? If it’s never, no worries, it’s completely acceptable. The reason you are not asked out on a date yet is maybe that the men may feel you are one of them, and so they probably don’t approach you, and women may have a feeling that you are a lesbian and so they don’t hit on you.
4. Everybody is interested in your “love life”: Are you into guys? Are you into girls? Are you bi-sexual? People always have questions hovering around your love life as if it’s the last thing in the world they need to know! People are curious not because they care, but because they question your intimate preference.
5. Society thinks you are rock strong even if you get miserable at times: Only because you dress up like a guy in baggy jeans and sports shoes and carry yourself like one, people often consider you to be rock solid from within like a guy. But in the deepest of your heart, you still get broken and vulnerable at times and desperately seek heart-to-heart conversation.
6. You get a lot of free advice: Try dressing up more like a girl, avoid walking like that, avoid talking like that and whatnot. Starting from the way you pick an outfit to wear to the way you feel; your friends, family, and even colleagues have free advice to you shower you with.
7. You hanging out with any girl is seen differently: People may perceive you to either be in a relationship with the girl you hang out or looks like you have got a crush on her. But the truth is you like being with that person and who is probably less dramatic than the other girls you know.
8. You are constantly asked to change: You are constantly pressured to change your identity as and when you grow older with the tomboyishness you possess. People around you always have their hopes high about whether you will have to change the way you carry yourself or have to suffer because of this.
9. You often get hit by lesbians: Well, let’s say you are straight and are into guys. However, lesbians have a feeling that you may be one of them too. And that is where you sort of struggle to explain that you may be dressed up like a guy, but you are not into girls.
10. You can only befriend a guy, and no one else: Tomboys often get this a lot, that they can make loyal friends with the guys only as they prefer to have a mindset like that of them. But to be clear, they are individuals just like a straight person who can choose who they want to be friends with and do full justice to their friendship, no matter if it’s a boy or a girl.
We know it’s a ruthless world out there. People are struggling to accept that there exist people who like to feel a certain way and act a certain way. It’s time the society should let just a person be and understand if an individual wants to savour the best of both worlds, just let them do it!
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