Everything You Should Know About An Anxiety Attack And How To Deal With It
We all have anxiety attacks but do we deal with it? With facing anxiety, we banish it from our self kingdom. Let’s get started then!
A sudden outburst of emotions, nervousness and confusion is a common occurrence. Overthinking is somehow a must protocol to be followed by many of us. Have you ever questioned ‘why?’ Have you ever tried to heal this thing embedded within you? No, you didn’t. It’s time to heal from within. When there’s a fire at your home and you are yelling, I’m not supposed to ask you to ‘mind your tongue’ instead, I’m supposed to sit and analyze — that why is this fire at home? How could it be calmed down?
The root cause of anxiety is unaddressed emotions within, unhealed trauma chewing you and lack of self-love and acceptance. Most importantly, self-trust!
Let’s ride towards quick ways to deal with an anxiety attack!
1. Raid your relaxation period
Hey there, do you think sitting in front of the TV and playing computer games is a relaxation therapy and you are an expert? Hold on people. It isn’t called relaxation, in fact, the picture you watch may create new tension. The same goes for alcohol, drugs or even chewing tobacco. You believe that this is relaxation or ‘getting rid’ from reality tools. It isn’t babe, it isn’t. Believe me. It relieves you for a moment but leaves a permanent imprint over you. These are false methods of relaxation. You are just tricking yourself into it. Now how to actually relax? Enrol yourself in online yoga, meditation. Try deep breathing exercises. Watch out your thoughts. Be conscious and start letting emotions go. First embrace, then let go. Tai Chi has proved to be an essential tool for calming down and knowing how to relax.
2. Take a little extra care of yourself
Good sleep and a body in motion keep away anxiety and tension. Don’t believe it? Try it for yourself and hit me up with how well you juggled the ups and downs of life. Eat well, respect your body. Provide it with good nutrients and an ample amount of sleep. Crunch fruits and veggies. Gulp down Kean proteins and cereals. Did you know that the smell of lemon rushes adrenaline in your brain and makes you feel fresh? Avoid lots of sugar and ah, relax!
3. Hangout, unite with your tribe
I do understand how important it is to spend time with yourself. But mistakes are not a habit. Go to a friend’s reunion. Hangout with your family. Invite your cousin’s on a sleepover. Do things that make you feel belonged and bonded. Gather yourself and have a conversation with people who lift your spirit and who make you feel secure and whole! If you want to share what you feel, call up your best friend. Have a video chat and reminisce about good old memories. Relive, breathe, and allow yourself to be!
4. Nature heals
Nature is a natural therapist. Gardening every day keeps anxiety at bay. Bend down, sleep over the grass, hug that tree and talk to those plants. Tread out on a walk in the park or the woods. Be in the moment. Follow gratitude as a religion and feel grounded. All the problems vanish when you look at those huge trees, so crooked, so themselves and yet so beautiful. That’s what we are, Beautiful! Hiking is also the best method to relieve yourself. Sweating in nature and witnessing the beautiful sceneries gives a sense of peace which prevails and lasts for a longer period of time.
5. Focus on the positives, let go what doesn’t serve you
Keep a track of your blessings. Make a blessing jar, when something good happens to you, write down and put it in the jar. Whenever you feel low, read out your blessings. This will certainly lift you up. Remember no matter how harsh life treats you, there’s something positive in it. Don’t focus on the darkness, give the light a chance to shine upon you. Dress up with your favourite t-shirt and make yourself feel beautiful. Hug yourself a little tighter. Dream a lot and believe!
Coping up with anxiety is not a piece of cake. Remember that you are loved, you are valued. No matter how small you think your existence is, it indeed has a massive impact on other people’s life. Live a life full of life. Kindly give yourself a chance to be happy, to be content and to be you! You are Beautiful.