Sexuality indeed can be a little tricky to follow at the first go. Just because one looks like a man or woman does not mean they feel like it. And it should not come as an astonishment because sexuality is complicated and does not care about what our physical traits communicate.
The idea of experimenting with sexuality is because it’s awareness is ignored. “A man is supposed to live with a woman, and a woman with a man” is no longer the universal truth. Sexuality can be overwhelming and can unquestionably swap over time. So it should not be of a concern if you are still unsure of it.
Contrast Between Sex and Sexuality
Sex is what we call a sexual relationship between people. When many sexual acts happen, either alone or with a person, we call it sex. People have sex for countless reasons; originating from pleasure, attraction, curiosity, stress-relief, or making a baby. The initiation of sexual activity may result from either emotion like love and loyalty or entirely out of excitement; with due consent of the people involved.
Sexuality is what defines “where” your sexual preferences or inclinations are directed towards, who you choose to have an intimate relationship with and ultimately wish to share your life with. So when you find a person fascinating physically, emotionally or even sexually, all these sentiments become a part of your sexuality.
Why Is It Normal To Experiment With Your Sexuality?
A healthy sex life impersonates a notable role in keeping us happy and fulfilled both sexually, mentally and emotionally. And imagine the ones who don’t get to enjoy this feeling due to the discrimination they encounter when they open up about their sexual preferences. They may do it with full scrutiny so that they don’t come in the notice, but why even feel such a threat?
Sex is a fundamental biological need of the body, but it can be even better when you decide on taking out the time to know what arouses your soul.
And this is what we call sexual orientation. It’s when an individual experiences various kinds of sexual experiences for the very first time.
Sexual experimentation might make you realize if you’re straight (heterosexual), bi-sexual or any other sexuality.
And once we mentally get prepared to experiment with our sexuality, there are certain factors we need to keep in mind; and those are-
● Permit yourself to be honest to your desires
● Don’t consider it as a disgrace for what your sexual preferences are
● Admitting it’s natural to feel for any gender
Beyond everything, what matters is; if you are in a headspace to go for it or not. Trying out anything new can be extremely intimidating, especially if you have been with one gender your entire life. The idea is to embrace your sexuality and not hide it, and nothing gets better when you allow yourself to do that.
Things To Keep In Mind Before You Go Ahead And Experiment With Your Sexuality
Why, where and how to start; are some of the subjects that may linger when you are ready to explore your sexuality. You might not be sure of what you’re getting into.
So to get started, you might want to take note of these pointers-
1. Know Your Intention- Ask yourself- Why are you doing and what are you doing? It’s always a fair decision to let your other half know that- you don’t feel fully satisfied with the sex life you have been having. This way, things are open and smooth between the two of you.
2. Give A Shot At Sexual Orientation- Don’t feel hesitant to try new things. Take bold steps and figure out for yourself if it’s still something you want or not. Taking calculated risks is indeed a wise choice to make.
3. Don’t Be Under The Impression “You’ve Got To Do This”!- A healthy sexual life is unquestionably vital. But not at the cost, where it puts you in pressure. Self-analyze as to how you feel after exploring with your sexuality. If it’s too much for you, stop! Because nothing is more significant than your emotional and mental well-being.
4. Familiarise Yourself- It’s always helpful to research a bit about the situations we go through. This way, things start to become crystal clear to us. Educate yourself about sex, gender and sexuality. Learn more about safe sex practices. Talk to people who you trust and feel they will feel empathetic towards your concerns and dilemmas.
5. Refrain From “Categorising” Yourself- To know that it’s normal to what you feel within is crucial. You don’t owe anyone an apology as to why you feel a certain way. The stereotypical thinking is here to stay- but to blame yourself for that is the bravest thing you can do. Sexuality is fluid, and there is no haste if you are uncertain about it.
6. The World Is Welcoming you With Open Arms- LGBTQ Community as a whole and society are being liberal about the fact that “sexuality is fluid.” So if you ever feel demotivated and question yourself, look around. Some people are a certain way and enjoy it to the best of their capabilities. Embrace your sexuality and don’t be afraid to accept it.
Bottom Line
One thing is for sure; there is no right or wrong when you finally realize where your sexual interests genuinely lie; if it suits you, it’s enough! While the process of experimenting with your sexuality can be quite thrilling, liberating and self-satisfying, there can be a lot of bullying or crap that can come your way, so never hesitate to consult a professional and seek help. Your feelings should not be a threat to you in any way. All this while it is also really important to practise safe sex.
To know more about it, go ahead and read Essential Guide To Sexual Health And It’s Importance. And to read more such informational blogs, sign up to Fuzia!