Have We Reached a Point Where Employees Work from Anywhere?

4 min readMay 6, 2020


Are Work-From-Home (the most googled words!), a future reality in the world we are a part of? Let’s see its effectivity and if we’re entering a new era altogether!

The idea of remote working has been bubbling on the back burner more now than ever. The pot might soon overflow and perhaps work from home go mainstream soon!

Well, to make you aware of WFH reality, it is (to your surprise) not really new. Yes! On September 20, 1994, about 32,000 employees ranging from the CEO to phone operators began working from home. They weren’t sick or on strike. This was done to explore how a vast organization would work if their workplace gets transformed and how would work move to the worker instead of the worker moving to work!

That one experiment has led to extremely successful businesses with MORE THAN HUGE profits and benefits, both for the employers and employees. Don’t drop your phones when I tell you that by 2028, more than 73% of all companies will have remote workers! Yes, I’m too on the receiving end of this surprise!

So people, are you ready to explore what WFH employees reap (other than their salaries, LOL!)?

#1. Increased Productivity!

With workers working from the comfort of their home and utilizing the opportunity to get to be productive first with their workplace and then with their work, the results of them being productive shouldn’t be unexpected.

In an independent 2017 report from MindMetre Research, 56% of respondents felt that mobile working helped them concentrate more, while 53% said that it improved productivity.

When we thought of our dream jobs, we didn’t think of a WFH setup honestly, but I’m sure that every new initiative was not thought about before it came into realization. Also, when it comes along with numerous benefits and given that your dream job offers a WFH setup, why would you leave that kind of luxury anyway?

Yes! By that, I mean a working bird! They can adjust work according to their schedule and don’t have to bother taking leaves every now and then for priority work.

In the UK alone, some 30 days are lost per worker per annum due to sickness absence and underperformance at work, resulting in obvious loss to the UK economy. Do we want to lose on work performance and results, and eventually affect the economy?

Also, have you noticed more productivity when we maintain regular shifting in our schedules and do not indulge in monotony? I’m sure you would have.

With the kind of lives we’re leading, we have all been in times when our family has needed us the most, also vice-versa. We’re working for our goals and achievements, but we’re also working for them. Aren’t we? In that case, WFH comes as a boon to a million lives, who do not or cannot go out and work.

Every day for them is a work-fam-day and they can focus on work without really thinking about the times their families might need them and they won’t be available. Because they would actually be!

#4 Job Satisfaction

What’s better than working at the comfort of your couch and favorite meal (cooked fresh) on your desk? Is it necessary for us to burden ourselves and feel good about being pressurized ALL THE TIME? It’s high time we realize, NO.

A 2017 survey revealed that 38% of US workers are allowed to work from home at least one day per week, and these employees report much higher levels of job satisfaction than those who don’t enjoy the same perk. According to the survey, they are 48% more likely to rate their job as a ‘10’ on the happiness scale, with a score of ‘10’ being the highest.

So, my quarantined friends, satisfaction is when we’re economically independent and are also comfortable in what we do!

#5 Lower Stress

Getting up early with the burden of reaching our workplaces on time, day after another has been a routine since day one of our jobs. Sitting on that chair the entire day seems more tiring than jumping all day, right? (Kidding!)

But seriously, foregoing the stresses of a time-consuming daily commute and gridlocked roads or travel disruption can contribute to lowering overall stress levels, reducing the risk of illnesses such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and can help improve your overall health, well-being, and happiness.

So, are you ready to begin your life on the other side of the ordinary?

P.S. Here’s another blog your way for you to know the importance of another extraordinariness!

Let us know what you think about the WFH setup and your experiences if any in the comment section below!

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Picture Courtesy: google.com


Originally published at https://www.fuzia.com.




Written by Fuzia

Fuzia stands for Fusion of different cultures & ideas. We are a global community of females that aims to promote creativity through guidance & help from experts

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