Here Are 10 Yoga Asanas You Must Start Doing Today!

7 min readJun 29, 2021


The world celebrated the 7th annual International Yoga Day on the 21st June this year. If you too have decided to embark on a yogic journey, here are ten yoga poses to start with.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a 5000-year-old holistic system that involves physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditations. The term “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means ‘to unite or integrate’. It unifies our mind, body, and soul, thereby offering mental, physical, and spiritual benefits. Yoga can help you relax and sleep better. You will eventually notice an increase in energy and reach a happier state of mind with yogic exercises.

Best Yoga Asanas For Beginners

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)-

One of the standing poses from medieval hatha yoga, Vrksasana, can teach you the art of balancing. You need to stand on one foot to imitate the steady stance of a tree. This has calming effects, strengthens your legs, and improves your focus. It may be beneficial for those suffering from nerve pain.

How to perform:

- Standing with your feet together, place your right foot gently on the inner left upper thigh.

- Do a namaskar with your hands and move them over your head. Find a spot in front of you to look at while holding this pose.

- Breathe in and out 8–10 times, then switch sides.

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) -

Warrior pose is a standing yoga pose that can help build strength and stability. The pose is named after a warrior called Virabhadra, who is known for his inner ability to overcome ego and ignorance. It is good for your legs, core, and back and helps you become a spiritual warrior.

How to perform:

- Stand with your right foot forward about four feet from your left one. Now, bend this leg into a lunge.

- Keep your left leg straight behind you and turn your left heel in at a 45-degree angle.

- Raise your arms straight above your head while keeping your shoulders down.

- Bring your shoulders together and raise your chin to look at your hands.

Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) -

A part of the Surya namaskar sequence, this is one of the easiest yoga exercises for beginners. It stretches your chest and spine, improving your upper body strength. It is beneficial for those with bad postures and suffering from asthma.

How to perform:

- Lie down on your stomach with your feet stretched out. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the mat near your waist.

- Inhale and press your hands against the mat, lifting your chest and legs a few inches upward.

- Squeeze your shoulder blades and tilt your head towards the ceiling/sky. Hold for 15–30 seconds and breathe out.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) -

Like the upward-facing dog, this pose is also performed following the Surya namaskar sequence. It stretches the lower and strengthens the upper body. This yoga pose helps improve blood circulation and improves posture.

How to perform:

- Get down on all fours and knees on the floor. Stretch your hands slightly forward of your shoulders and knees below your hips. Spread your palms wide on the mat.

- Now, as you exhale and raise your knees off the floor, lifting your buttocks upwards. Straighten your legs and gently press your heels against the floor.

- Make sure your head is between your arms. Face your knees with a flat back. Hold for 5–10 breaths before coming down.

Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana) -

You can start your morning yoga ritual with a forward bend pose, aka Paschimottansana. It can help stretch your hamstrings, lower and upper body. This pose relieves stress, soothes headaches, and keeps anxiety at bay. You can perform it after a stressful day at work and calm your nerves.

How to perform:

- Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Inhale deeply and raise your hands over your head.

- Now bring your hands down and try to hold your toes while exhaling. Bend your head forward as well.

- Breath in and keep your navel close to your knees as you exhale.

Child Pose (Balasana) -

It is a gentle resting pose that stretches your legs, thighs, and hips. Similar to seated forward fold yoga asana, it also calms down your mind and alleviates fatigue. It can help relieve neck and back pain. This pose is also good for digestion and related problems.

How to perform:

- Kneel down and sit on your heels with hips resting on your knees.

- Keep your head down and your hands by your sides on the mat. Push your thighs against your chest and take slow, deep breaths.

- Hold the pose for at least 5–10 breaths in and out.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) -

This is a reclining back bending asana that strengthens your lower back muscles and spine. It opens your chest and lungs to promote inhalation and exhalation. The cobra pose can help reduce stress and fatigue. It is also therapeutic for people suffering from asthma.

How to perform:

- Lie down on your stomach with your feet together.

- While breathing in, lift your waist and raise your head. Place your hands below your shoulders with palms flat on the mat. Make sure your elbows are straight.

- Pull your torso back and raise your head to the ceiling.

- Exhale as you return to the ground.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) -

Triangle pose strengthens your legs and back. It stretches inner thighs, calves, hamstrings, spine, chest, and hips. It energizes you and enhances your concentration. This pose can improve balance and stability while reducing unwanted stress.

How to perform:

- Stand with your feet wide apart. Stretch your right foot out to 90 degrees while keeping your leg close to your torso.

- Keep your feet pressed against the ground and your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

- Inhale and place your right hand on your right foot as you exhale. Also, stretch your left arm upwards in the air.

- Look towards your left arm and stay in this pose for 5–8 breaths and then, repeat on the other side.

Boat Pose (Naukasana) -

In the asana, the body takes the shape of a boat. It strengthens your upper back and shoulders while tightening your abdominal muscles. Your thigh, arms, and shoulder muscles can benefit from this pose. It can also improve digestion and alleviate flatulence and constipation.

How to perform:

- Lie back on the mat with your feet together and hands on the side.

- Take a deep breath and lift your chest and feet from the ground while exhaling.

- Stretch your hands and bring them into line with your feet.

- Hold this pose until you feel some tension in the area around your navel. Come back to the ground as you exhale.

Corpse Pose (Savasana) -

As you conclude your daily yoga practice, perform savasana as a final resting pose. It calms down your nervous system and mind. It helps improve digestion and is beneficial for your immune system. This pose also promotes spiritual awakening and makes you aware of the higher consciousness.

How to perform:

- Lie on your back with your legs wide apart. Keep your hands on the side but at a distance from the torso.

- Keep breathing and let your mind wander. You can also notice your breathing.

- Stay in this position for 5–10 minutes.

Work from home can be overwhelming at times and can also affect your productivity unless you have a workout routine to keep you active. Read this blog for some basic exercises to give a kick to your work-from-home self. You can also check out our other blogs on the website.

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