Here are some easy exercises to give a kick to your work-from-home self!
Do not forget that your quarantine is a safety measure to save you from the Coronavirus which predominantly affects your lungs and hence it is extremely helpful to these breathing exercises to make sure that your lungs are in their healthiest state too.
Work from home is confusing. Is it the best thing that happened to you or is it here to kill you? There is no way to tell. We have had some peace of mind avoiding the traffic and maybe even pants, but we have also pretty much avoided moving. Youngsters, in the lockdown, have deteriorated the functioning rate of their body by staying stagnant for hours together. Attending online meetings, zoom conferences, preparing presentations, or even attending lectures and seminars is all exhausting work and yet somehow no work at all. Your body needs some amount of tension to stay healthy and function smoothly.
Many youngsters have even experienced a rise in their body weight and have completely lost the sense of any sane lifestyle, especially the ones that live on their own or with fellow roommates.
So like Fuzia always does, here are some extremely basic exercises that you can do with no equipment at all.
1- WALK- Whatever happened to the good old days when walking wasn’t a health tip, but the most natural activity that you carry out in a day. But during the lockdown, when there is absolutely no motivation to work out (Mostly because no one sees you in a fitted suit anymore) walking can be the best way to maintain some level of physical activity. Get yourself a customized playlist and go for a 40-minute walk. If you do not want to step out at all, you could see if you have a terrace available where you can walk in rounds and get some fresh air.
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2- THE HARDLY-CARDIO CARDIO- We underestimate the importance of maintaining good heart-health and making sure that you give your heart a little tension every day. This doesn’t mean that you have to go for a run every morning.
Do in-place jogging for about 7 to 10 minutes a day, just to make sure that your heart is well-exercised. Do some jumping jacks and squats if you can and you are well for the day? This can sound a little overwhelming at once, but it is extremely manageable. If on day one, you find it difficult to carry out these simple workouts, then maybe you should start with walking.
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3- STRETCH WELL- This hardly sounds like an exercise but since we are talking about a sedentary life, this is what will probably help you the most.
Stretch your arms and pull them up to the opposite side.
Cross your fingers together flip it open and upwards and stretch vertically as much as you can comfortably go.
Bend down and try to touch your feet.
If you cannot reach as far down, bend as low as you can comfortably go and hold that position for a while.
Twist your boys from one side to the other.
Try as many variations of stretching as you can and hold them for a while and see how relieved you feel instantly.
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4- YOGA- No, we aren’t talking about the complicated poses that will tie your limbs down with each other or make you walk on your hands. But even the simplest forms of yoga are extremely helpful when it comes to maintaining a healthy balance between a sedentary life and physical flexibility. There are simple poses and movements in yoga that will keep you energized and active for the whole day. Simple yoga movements like the Surya Namaskar are known to include a lot of muscles and get your blood flowing. Activities like this will not take a lot of time and will give huge returns in the form of escalated physical health.
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5- Breathing exercises- This is one of the most ancient Indian practices that people have forgotten to make use of. Breathing exercises are an extension of yoga and served any benefits. Do not forget that your quarantine is a safety measure to save you from the Coronavirus which predominantly affects your lungs and hence it is extremely helpful to these breathing exercises to make sure that your lungs are in their healthiest state too.
Along with this, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat home-cooked food with plenty of vegetables and green foods. Make sure that you are getting your proteins. It also helps to make sure that your body gets its multivitamins like calcium and zinc and your ABCs.
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