As this roller-coaster of a year comes to an end, we can be sure of one thing. Our immunity is a severely underestimated aspect of our health and we must focus on the little things that boost our immunity for the greater good.
Our lifestyle these days is largely ignorant of how it impacts our immunity which is surprising because your ability to protect your body is what health fundamentally comes down to. So, since we have had such an extended and practical masterclass on why we need to protect and boost our immunity, I think we can say that in the coming year, we have more than one reasons to work on our immunity.
So, these are some of the easy and must-do things for you to easily maintain your immunity for the coming year and the rest of your life.
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1- QUIT THE OBVIOUS TOXINS- It is impossible or at least extremely difficult in this day and age to lead a perfectly healthy food with perfectly unadulterated substances. But then again, our immunity suffers the most under the conscious decisions that we make. Too many habits that we cultivate will slowly deteriorate our immunity and health and before you know it, it will be too late. Habits like smoking, that we so quickly make a part of our lifestyle must be introspected. An average smoker has a much lesser capacity to fight diseases and viruses than a non-smoker. Even during corona, it was observed that people with weaker and nicotine-infected lungs have a much higher chance of fatality and adverse symptoms.
2- INCLUDE SOME PHYSICAL ACTIVITY- We are probably the most comfortable and the most uncomfortable generation to ever have lived. Our life has been made so convenient by technology that we seldom have to step out to get things done. Our physical activity is lower than any other generation and with that, we are also the most incapable of continuous physical activities. A few minutes dedicated to working out or any other physical activity like playing a sport or dancing can be very useful for your immunity and overall health. So let that be on your list for 2021. To move your body to keep it going.
Picture credit- Harvard university
3- NAKE REAL FOOD A PART OF YOUR LIFE- What we eat these days is made to stimulate our taste buds and not to nurture our body and life. Our foods are high on sodium and sugar and have a much better shelf life because most of what we eat today is not food, but tasty calories. It might seem like it is not affecting you in the short-run. There is a quote that says that you are what you eat and it is true. Our diets must consist of food that our body understands and knows how to make use of. This year, let us focus on inculcating real and whole foods in your diet. This does not mean that you have to live out of raw vegetables and cold-pressed fruit juices. You can live your regular life and eat your favorite food, but just add some amount of whole food to your diet regularly. This will make sure that you keep getting some amount of fiber and real nutrition from your food.
4- THIS YEAR, SLEEP MORE AND SLEEP BETTER- Don’t we all suffer from lack of sleep and a lack of sleep schedule? The importance of sleep has been so underestimated by this generation that we have started to push and play with the most fundamental aspects of our lives. We have forgotten the importance of sleep and the importance of sleeping at the right time. Then you think about it, immunity is not as hard to maintain and strengthen as it seems to be. So this year, focus on getting enough and good quality sleep. Many other factors influencing your health will fall into place, the moment your sleep schedule is sorted. You will feel hungry, thirsty, and sleepy at the right time, and your life will gain a natural sense of schedule.
So, these are some of the easiest ways to increase and maintain your immunity and lead a healthier life before entering the coming year.
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