How To Be An Effective ‘Virtual Leader’

4 min readSep 24, 2022

Virtual leadership is now in the spotlight, so here are some tips on how to be an effective virtual leader!

With Coronavirus taking over our lives, we were all thrown into a virtual world. It was a drastic change, from daily interpersonal interaction to interaction on a virtual medium. While work from home might have been welcomed until the difficulties of working from home surfaced. It is now pretty clear that things might not be going back to the way they were any time soon. This pandemic and the shift to an online workspace has caused a lot of damage to existing work places. The switch to a virtual space was not easy and continues to prove challenging. These kinds of situations test the skills and temperaments of those in charge. Leadership and top management are constantly in the spotlight and under the microscope of their employees and the outside world. Therefore, if you are leading a team, here are some tips that can help ease this difficult process.

Be Tech Savvy

Technology now is the foundation of your workspace. Laptops, Apps and the internet is the glue that holds your team together. Now that you are unable to have face to face interactions with your team, make sure you and they are up to date with the apps and softwares you use. There should be no miscommunication if you all know what you are doing. Use various chat rooms, and Apps to make sure you have an open communication channel throughout your workday. Be the leader that embraces technology, and uses it for their benefit, do not let technology use or overwhelm you!


The workplace word for the year 2020 is proactive. A team leader has to be proactive to make sure that their workplace is running like a well-oiled machine. Proactivity can occur in various aspects, you can set up weekly team meetings or have catch up calls. A team leader needs to be up to date on the ongoing projects and even the obstacles their employees face. You need to know every little detail!

Motivate your employees

The negative aspect of working from home is a lack of motivation. There is a chance that your team member might face zoom fatigue or problems due to excessive screen time. So, find fun little ways to encourage and motivate your employees, maybe set up a fun reward system, this will help keep them going and reduce the stress associated with work.

Recognize Achievements

There is a chance that in a virtual world, employees might feel like their achievements are not recognized and sometimes even overlooked. So, make sure you take time out in your weekly calls and recognize those who had significant achievements that week. It helps drive employees to work better.

Set goals

Make sure your expectations of each employee are very clear. They should know what is needed of them and what their tasks are. But make sure you have realistic expectations. It is a difficult time, and one has to manage various things all at once. If you have realistic expectations and convey those to your employees then everyone will be happy in their respective roles.

You have to roll with the punches and find methods that work for you and your employees. Tweak and twist different methods and create the perfect fit for you.

If you want to know more on how to be an effective virtual leader click on the link here!

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