How To Overcome That Thin Line Between Self-Love and Self-Absorbed
When you feel the need to change yourself as per the society’s preconceived notions, it’s not what self-love is.
And you know what’s even more bothersome? The ones who are like this can’t really figure out that thin line between self-love and turning obsessed with themselves.
Let’s dig a little deeper here. To start with, let’s jump to the basics!
Difference Between Self-Love and Self-Absorbed
The distinction may be negligible as per the viewpoint of any observer. This is because the two kinds of individuals might seek almost similar things- appreciation or recognition. Also, both of them may be as confident as the other one.
However, the prime difference lies in the approach and the mindset of how they want themselves to be considered. While one boasts, the other one holds pride; while one fakes it, the other only makes it, while one gets vulnerable with time, the other one beams with positivity.
A self-absorbed person will always want to be in the limelight. They are indeed rebels who only care when the discussion centres around them.
And a self-loving person would not be bothered if eyes are on them or not. It indeed reflects their confidence, honesty and a positive outlook they carry.
Why Does a Person Do What They Do?
A self-absorbed individual is exceptionally insecure and always conscious if people are paying enough importance to them or not. They are usually the ones with low self-esteem, often fearful, and way too analytical about themselves. Instead of keeping things just as they are, they end up manipulating or controlling the whole situation.
On the flip side, individuals who genuinely have accepted themselves the way they are inside-out, people automatically get intrigued to talk to them. Also, they would never shy away from putting any other individual above them and learn from them. For them, less is always more.
Tips To Hit Breaks To Your Self-Centeredness
Tip №1: Observe How People Respond To Your Actions
Just for a moment, stop focusing too much on yourself and start lending all your ears to what the other person is saying as well. If you frequently speak about your accomplishments, they may lose interest in the conversation as it can get too self-centered. And they may find ways to walk away from that place.
Tip №2: It’s Not A Competition, So Relax!
Not everyone’s journey is full of only roses or thorns; it has both. And sometimes people only want you to hear them out. It’s not always about outshining, but sometimes it’s about understanding, being there for them, and giving support.
Tip №3: Try Putting Yourself In Their Situation
How about you narrating an incident which broke your heart or was difficult for you to go through, and someone intrudes suddenly and starts flattering themselves on how well they handle it when a similar situation arises. Won’t it help, right? There you have your answer, you know what needs to be done.
Tip №4: Be Proud But Don’t Go Overboard
It’s good to be proud of your achievements, but people will hear only how much they want to hear. Anything beyond that, it will only make them give up on yourself-flattery. You should know when to end the discussion and move on.
Tip №5: Start Cheering For Others Too
Start doing it! And make sure it’s a genuine one. Give a pat on the back to someone you know has worked extremely hard to reach where they are today! It’s commendable to love your friends and appreciate them as much as you do that for yourself. The more you do it, the more people will be there to applaud you.
Tip №6: Talk It Out With Someone You Trust
Let them know you are aware it’s a problem, but you are trying to improve it. You are putting your genuine efforts; this way, it will reflect your honesty and make them respect you even more.
Final Words
It can be a bit overwhelming. Some people may even never notice what’s wrong and behave just as they have always been doing.
They may forget the distinction between following the path to self-love and end up being full of themselves.
But now that you know the difference and the tips to curb it, share this with someone who needs to know this.
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