Illuminate your inner self — Switch to self-talks

5 min readMar 10, 2022


So many of us have strong wishes for what we want to see in the world right now. We want the world to be more-healthy, more-free, more joyous, more easy, and way more loving. This all starts with us, and can in fact start with our self-talk.


Each one of us is a drop of water in the ocean. We are part of the whole. We are all made of the same stuff, yet we are also different, unique, special in our own way.
As a drop of water in the ocean, when I become healthier, more peaceful, and happy, the whole ocean becomes that way too. Maybe the other drops around me are inspired to find ways to heal too. Maybe health is even more contagious than disease and they become healthy in all ways: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Then there’s a pocket of water that is more healthy, happy and peaceful. Then this pocket of healthy water spreads and spreads and spreads.

1. Self-Talk To Do My Best And Then Relax


Really, what else can one do?
When it’s been a tough day, and I’ve made mistakes, I’ve gotten sad news, or something hurtful has happened, I tell myself that I’ve done my best, and I relax knowing that.
What I can do everyday is show up, open my heart and mind, stand in my truth, and don’t get too attached to the outcome that appears right away. I must remember that some things are on the long track program and they take a while to manifest. They will come into my life with time. With time, solutions will be found, healing will happen, doors will open. Maybe what I think is a bad ending is just the beginning of a new chapter. I focus on what I can do to go towards the life I want and on what’s in my power.2. Self Talk For Valentine’s Day: I Am Loved


Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love. As you show appreciation for those you love, how about starting with the person you share the most time with and are most intimately acquainted with: your gorgeous self. You count too my sweet one so give yourself some of the good stuff you give others like your love, attention, time and even a bunch of roses.
Taking anyone for granted dulls and withers the relationship and we are no different in our relationship with self. Use your self-talk to show yourself that you are present, and that you appreciate yourself very much. Fill your love tank with kind, and compassionate inner words.
Forgive yourself for one specific thing that you have withheld forgiveness about. This is such a gift of healing love that your whole self will relax and expand. Give forgiveness freely, generously, compassionately.

3. Self Talk To Empower Myself

“I empower myself.”

There you go. You don’t have to wait for anyone to give you permission or to bestow empowerment upon you like it’s a favour. You get to step up and empower yourself. I used to say “I am empowered” but I feel way more powerful when my self-talk is: “I empower myself.”
When you say “I empower myself” you declare to your inner self how it’s going to go from now on, who you are going to be. You are going to dig deep within yourself to tap into your own power.
And I know you’ll take all this power and make the world a much better place. The moment you shine, there’s more light in the world. More light in the world, and we all thrive like a field of sunflowers in the sun.

4. We Can Lighten Life Every Day

Two hummingbirds suddenly appear and hover over flowers next to me this morning. They are an invitation to lighten up; a sign of levity, silliness, whimsy, and humour. That’s the meaning that I give that wonderful bird.
Can we live in extremely strange and difficult times and still be light, humorous, and whimsical? Can we be both kind and funny? For sure we can.
Look at His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Think of what he’s gone through — just a tiny thing like losing his country and living in exile. Think of his responsibilities towards his people and his unswerving dedication to world peace and compassion. And yet he laughs. Big full belly laughs. Apparently when he gets together with good friend Archbishop Desmond Tutu, it’s a Just For Laughs festival.

Choosing Inner Words of Healing and Self Care

Repeat this every day:

I am healthy.

I am peaceful.

I am happy.

I am free.

I am loving.

I am joyous.

I am boundlessly powerful.

Be careful what you say to yourself because your whole body, your whole mind, your whole self, is listening.

So, if I want to live in a world that is healthy, joyous, free, and loving, then I must be those things myself. This shows us just how much power we hold. It means we don’t need for anything to change outside ourselves to be these things.

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Written by Fuzia

Fuzia stands for Fusion of different cultures & ideas. We are a global community of females that aims to promote creativity through guidance & help from experts

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