Do you know why we require women to be the guiding light for us to cross the ocean of pandemic? Why is their guidance important? Here are the top 5 reasons for us to understand their importance in this crucial hour.
Before we step onto the shore of reasons, was it not simply obvious that women's leadership is important to us anyway? Nevertheless, here’s yet another day we got to tell the world about the importance of women and hope them to understand it once and for all!
Well, women have been contributing in incredibly unique ways during this pandemic hit. The amount of workload (now you should know) is never less for a woman, be it a regular office day or a quarantined day. They have dedicated themselves more than fully and vigilantly for this global cause and aren’t stepping their foot back come what may!
With empathy, creative abundance, and nurturing abilities, women have grown together even more in these times of global need.
Here are some reasons (for you to be THANKFUL for every single woman) out of a pool of countless, which I want you to know before you step your foot out of this tragedy!
#1. More than 60 percent of the world’s frontline health workers are women.
More than ever, they are now shouldering the burden of strenuous work and in the process, exposing themselves more to the virus. In countries like China, Italy, and France where we have lost count of lost lives, it’s the women-oriented contribution that has brought a change in the face of disaster.
When I say that more than 70 percent of doctors and nurses around the world for COVID-19 treatment are women, it (at least now) shouldn’t come across as a surprise to you!
#2. Female leaders do not SUFFER from overconfidence!
There’s plenty of research to show men are more likely to trust their own instincts while making decisions. I’m sure all you women reading this would giggle for a second because we FOR SURE seek inputs and listen to valid suggestions before rushing to trust ourselves!
This doesn’t mean we lack self-confidence, but brings up our intelligence quotient into the picture, as cultivating a diverse set of advisors help us succeed!
In this hour, several trailblazing women leaders have indeed mentioned explicitly about following the expert guidelines as they manage the next phase because the only way to save lives is to skillfully act upon the advice of those who truly know the evolving science.
#3. Women are better beings in governance.
Now is when I want to take the opportunity to surprise you (again!) by bringing forth a survey that discloses women leaders of countries, cities, and states across the globe to have coped up better than their counterparts from the horrific virus.
Let’s take a moment to realize the consequences of leadership decisions in high-stake situations. Women leaders from places across the world like Germany, New Zealand, Iceland, and Finland (all with women leaders) did way better by executing social distance plans at least a week before their first death and in short, flattened the curve.
#4. Women are vision-setters of all time!
Before you take this as my personal opinion, let me tell you that a plethora of studies and researches focus on how women not only believe in personal growth but set a vision and path for others to work on! They are more focused on building community and teams (which for you to know are ESSENTIAL leadership characteristics).
Yes! They possess the qualities of transformational leaders. Their vision-setting, inspirational self, and out-of-the-box thinking is what makes them achievers. I’m sure we’re not coming out of this before learning such lessons from our women soldiers!
#5. Want to know the key? Emotional intelligence and to be other-directed.
Women have a super-power (as you may call it!) to feel a sense of commitment to the common good and have been a key driver in women’s willingness to be out front during this crisis. Thank god!
They are emotionally better invested in the grievances of others and thus, keep a better want to contribute in the greater cause of saving humanity.
Having said all this, there’s still so little done for women health workers and leaders across the globe. When I think of gender inequality, there’s a limitless sky of existing issues that flashes by its shadow, but COVID-19 shows us how it should only be about high-quality and life-saving leadership. Always and beyond!
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