As a generation of Millennials who loves canceling plans, the lockdown is ironically difficult. Here’s how you can manage it!
As a generation of Millennials who love canceling plans, this is an ironically difficult situation.
Announcement of Nationwide lockdown by PM Narendra Modi and the idea of Social distancing and self-isolation in an attempt to fight and tame the spread of the novel Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19 leads to various issues in the lives of common people.
He says “We should all assume that social distancing is the one way in front of us- We cannot get out of the house. Come what may, Stay at home”. But staying home for straight 21 days is not a cakewalk.
It’s safe to say that this type of situation is something most of us have never experienced or something that we thought we never would experience. Social distancing and Quarantining are the new terms that the governments across the globe have asked the people to do.
Are we talking about a day or a days? We, humans, are a complex machine and taking an off for a day or two is okay sometimes, but when it comes to 21 days, it is harder than it looks. One cannot even imagine how toxic a lockdown can be for people suffering from depression because they need socializing to be mentally healthy.
Going out and interacting with others boosts feelings of wellbeing and decreases feelings of depression. The coolest way to improve your mood is to build social connections. Many people don’t have a healthy relationship with their families and it might be difficult for them to stay indoors.
For that, we need to stop fantasizing about how perfect our time together should be rather working on spreading positive vibes and happiness among ourselves.
Talking about the Financial crisis, Quarantine has had a strong impact on the world economy. It may result in widespread bankruptcies, liquidity shortages, large losses and also that some financial institutions may fail.
We can all come up with idealized and perfect policies that maintain the status for three months so we can put the hammer down and dance our way out. Because of this, common people are facing many problems, which also include their failure to pay rents to their landlords. To avoid the burden, landlords shouldn’t pressurize people to give their rents for the current period.
Since this is something not many of us can understand, there are still people who are breaking this new law and endangering the lives of hundreds and thousands of people. It is necessary for us to spread awareness about how to successfully perform social distancing.
1.) First, we need to make sure there isn’t a widespread panic. This is probably one of the biggest mistakes people are making and probably the most dangerous is panic hoarding. People rush to the stores and buy everything that they can in order to survive the lockdown. This is a really bad idea because not only this defeats the whole purpose of social distancing, it also leaves shops and stores empty for the needy people. (Due to the recent outbreak, the nation is currently experiencing a shortage of toilet papers and common sense!).
We can continue living as we used to, without having to hoard food and essentials. Shops are still functioning as they used to. So there is absolutely no reason for you to rush to the markets right now.
2.) Avoid religious gatherings. Yes, this one is hard to accept and probably one of the most controversial ones. But avoiding religious gatherings can significantly reduce the risks of spreading this virus.
3.) No need to visit friends, family or neighbors. We need to accept the fact that this is not our usual government holiday, rather an order which is supposed to be for the benefit of the civilians. So please avoid going out of your house unless it is absolutely necessary.
How about Crisis Management?
We are all in this crisis together but don’t be too hard on yourself. It is important to understand that we don’t need to be necessarily productive all the time. If it helps we can emotionally deal with the quarantine by binge-watching shows, making art, cooking different things, reading books, face-timing friends, writing articles/poetries/blogs, etc.
These new times have also given rise to concepts like working from home, where all schools, colleges, and workplaces have been shut and now have to operate from home. It’s an interesting concept, and I am pretty sure that things are not going to be the same even after the lockdown is over, this new concept of working from home means not all workers have to report to the offices every day and only time can tell which direction this goes.
It is important to have a different environment for work and home because it can be incredibly difficult to concentrate at such times. For online schools, teachers are giving extra assignments which take up a lot of time anyway aside from the time we’re already dedicating to the classes.
Quarantine is like a treat to introverts but on the other hand, extroverts find it boring and frustrating. They may feel low or get mood swings. However, the government would not have asked us to do this if it was not important. There are simple things we can do that may help, such as staying in touch with friends through social media, workout, learn a new skill through an online course or just re-connect with a hobby.
To isolate yourself and prevent the spread of the disease to your family friends and the wider community, we must:
● Not going to work, school or public areas.
● Not use public transports like buses, trains, tubes or taxis.
● Avoid visitors at your home.
● Ask friends, family members or delivery services to carry out errands for you.
According to the demographics, there are 2,301 confirmed cases in total of coronavirus, 157 recovered and 56 deaths. It is advised to regularly sanitize hands, wear masks, avoid shaking hands and touching your face. ( Do not shake hands, two reasons: First, the spread of Coronavirus, Second, people are running out of toilet papers).
● As far as emotions and our wants are considered, I know it’s really hard, we all miss our friends and going outdoors. These are rough and hard times and if we all cooperate, we will get through this together.
Meanwhile, here is another work from the home guide to help you manage the shift efficiently.
Picture courtesy — Houston Methodist
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