Tips To Enhance Your Work Productivity At Home

6 min readMar 30, 2020


Working from home might mean that you get to be in your pajamas all day, but it does come with its own challenges. If any of this relates to you, you are in the right place.

Covid-19 has taken the entire world in its grasp. With nearly 100 affected countries and countries like the UK and Italy in 6 months to indefinite lockdown, most workers are working from their homes. There is no doubt that being stuck inside one place for an extended period of time has a negative toll on mental health as well as physical health, be it because of the lack of sunlight or, the feeling of being cooped up inside 4 walls.

Currently with 509,164 confirmed cases globally and nearly 23,400 deaths worldwide. That is why at times like these, it is of the utmost importance that one stays home. As the incubation period of this virus is nearly 10 days. Meaning that one person can infect nearly 100s of other people without even knowing that they are infected. So, stay at home.

However hard it feels, it’s better than contracting Covid-19.

While you’re at home how can one boost their productivity while they’re at it? Look no further here are tips to ensure you can maximize your productivity at home as well.

Set Up A Timer

Think of the time it’ll take you to finish one task and do it for that much time, and once the timer is up, move on to the next task.

Eliminate All Distractions

It is very easy to get distracted while working at home, whether it is your TV, mobile or even your own laptop that you use to work.

Select Songs To Listen to That Boost Productivity

Although distractions must be avoided, take some time out in advance to select a long-lasting playlist that is energetic and uplifting, it doesn’t have to be hard rock or death metal, even Bach or Mozart will do.

Find Some Attachment To Your Work

Find meaning in what you do otherwise everything feels like a chore and you start dreading everything you do.

Prioritize All Your Tasks For The Day

When you start prioritizing the tasks you have pending you get the more important work done quickly which means that by the end of it you feel more productive despite not having a variety of different chores.

Group Similar Tasks Together

Tasks such as blogging, digital work can be made into one task for saving time as well as energy.

Complete The Most Dreaded Tasks First

As the day goes on and on, you’ll get more tired. That’s why it is recommended that the tasks that you disdain the most, you should do it as early as possible. It is similar to how most people keep checking their emails again and again just to feel fulfilled.

Gift Yourself After Finishing A Task

This is solely to reward your self and make you feel motivated to another task.

Refrain From Multitasking

Even though everyone feels that they are a multitasker the truth cannot be any further. For the best productivity choose one task and do it the best you can.

Use Tools That Help Focus

These tools lock all apps that cause distractions and don’t allow access to them until a certain period of time has passed.

Keep A Notebook & A Pen At All Times Near You

You never know when inspiration can strike that is why it is important to always pen down your thoughts so that you can be productive and creative and make the best use of your time in quarantine.

Write A To-Do List every day

After doing so, keep ticking off each task to give you a sense of accomplishment which then boosts you to finish then next task as well.

Keep Reflecting On Yourself

Keep asking yourself the question, “are you doing the best you can to make use of the time you have”.


Research has concluded that midday exercises boost productivity and morale, so it is recommended to take a short walk inside your house in between tasks to keep the blood flowing.

Tell People About Your Goals

This means that the moment you share you become accountable for it and will have the drive to complete it or face the judgment of others


Listening to podcasts is a good use of your time while you do chores around the house so that you learn something even while doing a simple menial chore.

Focus More On The Result-Oriented Tasks

A rule known as the Pareto law suggests that 80% of the results come from simply 20% of the work put in. Therefore, we must find tasks that give more results in less work. Again, simply to motivate yourself and boost your overall productivity.

Try Out a Polyphasic Sleep Schedule

This is a sleep pattern where you can reduce your overall sleeping time to simply 2–5 hours by taking multiple short 20–45 minutes naps throughout the day.

Get Rid of Apps That Waste Time

Most apps that waste time include Instant Messengers, Video games, addictive social media sites, and obsessive internet surfing.

Plan What You Eat

By planning all your meals and food in advance you don’t have to spend time thinking about what to cook and how to cook, this saves time and ingredients.

Supplement Tasks & Hobbies

For every 2 hours of work give yourself time (half an hour — 1 hour) for hobbies and activities you like doing, such as playing games, drawing, working out, playing an instrument, etc.

Get Comfortable

There is nothing more annoying than sitting down to work and realizing how uncomfortable it is to sit in the same place for more than 10 minutes without having to adjust. It is recommended to find a comfortable spot to sit down before starting work.


A mess is an unholy sight to see especially when wanting to focus on important work. It is important to know that a clean workspace leads to a cleaner mindset and more clarity when trying to work. This means a clean and empty workbench can mean increased focus and attention to your work.

Take breaks for your eyes

Working from home means that constantly staying in front of a bright screen with light glaring into your eyes, this is very harmful and can cause eyes to water. Hence it is necessary to constantly shut your eyes and use eye drops at hourly intervals.

Work from different places in your home

The last thing you want is a dedicated workspace. It will make you hate the spot and associate that spot with work and stress. Therefore, it is advised to keep changing your workplace

These are tough times and all of us need to stay at home and work from there, but we know that we must stay tough especially during these times of lockdowns and quarantines. This virus will not be the end of society nor will come close to it, however, we must ensure that we stay healthy and mentally stable during this period of lockdown so that when the day comes that the pandemic is over we are stable and healthy enough for transitioning back to our normal daily routine.

It is important to stay safe during this pandemic, remember to always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, keep your throats moist and never dry, don’t step outside until absolutely necessary and vital to your well being. Use protective masks or sanitized scarfs to protect your nose and mouth whenever heading outside into areas with other people and avoid touching anyone.

Practice social distancing and maintain a distance of at least one meter from other people whenever standing in lines. Avoid spitting in public or biting your nails at all costs. Symptoms of the virus are dry coughs, cold, fever, high temperatures and after a week, respiratory problems. If any of these symptoms persist longer then it is advised to contact the authorities who will come to your house for a checkup and avoid stepping outside at all costs.

Going to the hospitals yourself would put you at risk and several other uninfected ones. Cooperate with the authorities and work safely from home and follow the tips provided in the article above to ensure enhanced productivity at home as well and to get rid of all the distractions and time consumers.

Working from home is a scientifically proven way of increasing productivity as well as efficiency or the workers that is the sole reason why most startups prefer flexible working hours as well as work from home to reduce their own overhead costs while simultaneously boosting the amount of work that is put in by their employees for the greater good of the firms itself.

We hope you put in as many thoughts into being safe as you put in being productive. And we hope that you win at both. Happy quarantine (The WHO would want you to still keep washing your hands regularly).
Also, here is how you can get creative with your work from home setup!


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Written by Fuzia

Fuzia stands for Fusion of different cultures & ideas. We are a global community of females that aims to promote creativity through guidance & help from experts

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