We got you unfailing ways to strike the right work-life balance

5 min readJun 24, 2020

It is absolutely fine to be ambitious, but it’s never fine to be ignorant. Ignorant of your physical health, your near and dear ones’ importance and your mental and emotional well being.

Unfailing ways to strike the right work-life balance

We know it can be extremely overwhelming to get accountability for loads of work in our professional setting. It makes us feel important, responsible and keeps our spirits high. We accept every work coming our way and say ‘yes’ to our bosses or managers to showcase our efficiency and worthiness.

Nevertheless, it is soon enough that we realise how things start to slip away from our grip before we end up falling in a pit. We miss the crucial deadlines, constantly scream on calls with the clients, working round the clock to nail that presentation, end up missing our meals, and the most frustrating part, when after all this hard work, our efforts fail to fetch the desired outcome.

It comes as not much of a shock but all of this chaos leads to one thing, ‘stress’! And mind you, positive stress can yield great results and can improve the quality of our work. But if the doze and momentum of stress increases, it’s seen as a red flag! Reason being, it leads to negativity and other mental health conditions which can prove to be detrimental for your mental and physical health both. “According to the 2017 Mental Health at Work Report, three out of every five employees had experienced mental health issues in the past year because of work, ultimately ending up with depression or anxiety”.

Thus, it becomes important to strike the right work-life balance and keep the swing at equilibrium. It is alright to be ambitious and wanting to excel in your career. We all want a rewarding future for us, don’t we? But sometimes we sink ourselves so much at work that we hardly realise what we have been missing out. How strange, we end up finding happiness at work and how all your conversations revolve around work, like nothing else matters! We should remember, to not make work our only identity. Appreciate your other identities which are even more meaningful in your life. And soon you’ll realise, how well have you been able to maintain the balance between work and life.

Here are a few unfailing ways to achieving work-life balance, the right way:

  1. Prioritise- Adopt the habit of prioritising your work. Have your “to-do’s” in place and see what needs more attention and what can be done later. Try to arrange your tasks in such a way that you have some leisure time left with you at the end of the day. This way you will become more organised and will worry less about work deadlines. And always learn to say no to additional work when there is a possibility to do so.

2. Have “Me Time”- We all have hobbies, but how frequently do we engage ourselves in them, hardly! Do more of what gives you joy and don’t shy away from pampering yourself. Indulge yourself in social activities or engagements.
Join a gym, go for a Zumba class, book a Spa therapy or go for a Yoga session. Allow your mind to relax and plug out from that workaholic self.

3. Take a Vacation- A couple of days off work hurts nobody. Rejuvenate your mind and body by taking a short road trip with your family or friends or a lavish vacay, once and for all. The idea is to fray yourself away from the commotion of day to day office hustle and let the vacation benefit you to detox. Avoid carrying your laptop along as you will anyway have your cell-phone for emergencies.

4. Talk to your Work buddy- Talking always helps. Especially, with the ones who happen to share the same department and manager. Ask them, how do they cope up with stressful situations at work. Now you don’t have to pour your heart out to them, as they are only your colleagues. But it’s always better to have a third person’s perspective, which can somehow be of our benefit.

5. Avoid skipping meals- Are you someone who always skips a meal, because you are always loaded with work? This can affect your health in the long run wherein you can have trouble in maintaining your blood sugar levels. Unhealthy eating habits can ruin your productivity. Utilise the break time and favour your belly with required food supplements.

6. Seek Professional Assistance- At times, things aren’t in our favour no matter how great we try to find a solution to it. In such cases, professional help always comes to our rescue. If you face major difficulty in keeping up with the work-life balance to a level where it causes you troubles with your day to day activities, affects your health and personal relationships, or damages your constructive thought process, then immediate counselling attention is required.

The Bottom Line…

In this competitive world, everyone is trying hard, more than ever to be the best. People are getting a top-notch education, looking for high paying jobs and once they land up in their dream job, they dedicate themselves all into it.
It may seem like a fairytale in the initial days, but in this whole process, don’t overlook various other little and meaningful things.
Remember that you have multiple roles to play other than badging the tag of ‘Employee of the Month’. Meet your friends, go out and socialise, watch movies with your families, always be considerate about your health, as “health comes first” and give everything in your life proportionate significance.
Soon, you’ll notice both of the aspects of your life, i.e- professional and personal life illuminating you with promising results.

It’s okay to feel lost, at times. What all you need is a friend who can give you the assurance that it will all be fine. Let fuzia be your best friend for a lifetime. Find more such related articles which will guide you to light.

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Originally published at https://www.fuzia.com.




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