Why Are Women Prone To Die In Accidents More Than Men? — Time For Health Check
It’s a debate as old as the internal combustion engine and the advent of headlights: Are women better drivers than men, or vice versa? While media stereotypes once led to the acceptance of “woman driver” as an inherently critical label, the truth is that men are significantly more likely to get into crashes.
There is a long-running stereotype that women are poor drivers as compared to men. While there are gender-related differences in the accident rates, the statistics do not necessarily show that women cause more accidents than men. In many states, men are charged higher insurance premiums. While stand up comics might joke about women being terrible drivers, and men sometimes tease women about the stereotype, taking a look at the data can help you to decide whether the stereotype is rooted in fact or is false. It is important to look at both the raw data and the reasons behind the differences in accident rates.
1. Reasons For Gender Differences In Accident Rates
There are several reasons why men cause more accidents than women. Since men drive more miles each year, they are likely to be involved in accidents. Men are also likely to engage in risky behaviours while they drive, including driving under the influence of alcohol, failing to use safety belts, and breaking traffic laws such as speed limits.
Men are also much likelier to drive while they are drowsy, according to data from the National Sleep Foundation. According to data that the organisation has gathered about drowsy driving, 56% of men reported that they have driven while drowsy versus 45% of women.
While women may be less likely to engage in risky driving behaviours and drive fewer miles than men each year, there are several reasons why they have a slightly higher risk of accidents for each mile driven in a year than men. Since they drive fewer miles, they have less experience with navigating the dangers of the roads. Women also tend to be shorter than men, and they may have more trouble seeing oncoming vehicles when they are completing turns because of visual obstacles. Previously, there was a larger gap between the accident risks among younger drivers. However, that gap has been closing as more girls are driving while they are distracted by their cell phones. A study by the Insurance Journal found that females of all ages are much likelier to use their cell phones while they drive than men.
2. Seniors Vs. Teens
We expect mistakes from young drivers, but the first few years are pretty risky. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), drivers ages 16–19 are three times more likely to crash than drivers over 20.
Meanwhile advocacy groups like Teen Driver Source and Distraction.gov are working to raise awareness about chronic risk factors including cell phone use, passenger distraction, impulsive/aggressive road behaviour, impaired driving and lack of seatbelt use.
The life expectancy for car-dependent seniors, however, is steadily increasing. Impairments associated with ageing — including slow response time and compromised vision and hearing — could have a staggering effect on road safety.
3. Men Vs. Women
Men cause 6.1 million accidents per year and women cause 4.4 million per year, 105.7 million women and 104.3 million men have drivers licences. On average, men drive 16,550 miles and women drive 10,142 miles per year. That means men drive about 30 percent more miles than women. Yet, they’re implicated in slightly less than 30 percent of car accidents. Men do cause more accidents, but they are actually less at-risk than women, by a small margin.
4. Cyclist Vs. Drivers
Recent studies suggest that drivers and cyclists are equally responsible for causing bike accidents. That said, a cyclist is twice as likely as a motorist to get into an accident. Most of these accidents, however, have nothing to do with cars — only a third of bicycle accidents are car collisions. This also includes situations where bikers were in bike lanes, physically walled off areas, and semi-walled areas with safety cones or other traffic equipment.
The overarching cause of bike accidents could have more to do with bike hostile roads. Poor surfacing, inadequate bike lanes, lack of signage and lack of education make it difficult for cyclists and drivers to share space. Thankfully, the growing protected bike lane movement combined with nascent awareness of bicycles as special vehicles is helping to change that.
Less if you are married — Some studies actually demonstrate drivers are half as likely to get injured in a car accident if they have a spouse.
5. How Both Men And Women Can Be Safer When They Drive
When taken together, the statistics demonstrate that both men and women need to take steps to improve the safety of their driving. Men should engage in less risky driving behaviour and obey traffic laws to help to prevent accidents. They should never get behind the wheel after they have been drinking and should make certain that they get sufficient sleep every night to avoid driving while they are drowsy. Men should also avoid driving recklessly and violating speed limits.
Women should avoid driving while they are distracted by their cell phones and other electronic devices. When they get behind the wheel, they should turn their phones off so that they are not tempted by incoming texts or calls. Women might also work on building better defensive driving skills and to avoid inattentive driving. Like men, they also should avoid drunk driving, speeding, and reckless driving.
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Image courtesy: Unsplash.com