Even though religious scriptures have instances of same-sex marriages, Indian society still considers marriage to be a heterosexual privilege and frowns upon Queer relationships and marriages.
In the early 1990s when the film Fire was released, it caused a hell-fire in the entertainment industry and society of India. Whether it was the upper-elite class or the lower-middle class, irrespective of religion and caste, everyone condemned the idea of lesbian relationships in Indian society.
This seems rather ironic as same-sex marriages or even instances of Queer marriages are present throughout ancient scriptures.
Lord Vishnu’s female form Mohini had marital relations with Arjun’s son. The fire God Agni also has a polygamous marriage to the goddess Svaha and the moon god Soma. If our scriptures have sanctions of LGBT marriages then why same-sex marriages are frowned upon by the Indian society and to an extent the government?
Initially, the Indian culture was progressive and liberal towards sexuality and marriages, however with the influence of Puritanism, Islam, and right-wing petty politics; homophobia became the norm of the day.
Marriages were no more seen as a personal choice but a social mandate for procreation and passing down of property.
Religious fanatics in India stressed upon these two factors to bring out how same-sex marriages are nature’s abomination.
Although, liberal religious leaders have argued that same-sex marriages are possibly nature’s very own contraceptives.
In 2018, article 377 has been abolished and queer activists are lobbying for sanctioning of same-sex marriages. However, both the High Courts and the Central Government have rejected the plea on the grounds that love is no ground for marriage.
India is one of the few countries in the world where the medieval motion of arranged marriage functions, where couples with time have learned to love each other. This has forced the conditioning of marriage in India to be a heteronormative obligation even the abolition of article 377.
To avoid persecution in India, many queer couples have migrated to countries where same-sex marriages have gotten legal sanctions. Although some still have the strength to defy the government laws and be married in the country.
Feminist scholars have argued that more than the reason for procreation, same-sex marriages are frowned upon by the government and society for two reasons. First, losing on religious vote-banks. The conservatism and taboo on homophobia still runs deep in majority of society; this gives parochial religious and political leaders the perfect opportunity to lobby their agenda of how same-sex marriage is a Western concept of corruption for Indian culture.
Popular culture that masses refer to understand human-relations of marriage always show and promote the idea of holy matrimony between a man and woman. Hence, the taboo against same-sex marriages grows.
Adding the fuel to this fire is the absence of execution of a uniform civil code. This allows different religious communities to mandate marriages according to the clerical laws.
Secondly, marriage is the way property gets passed down. With same-sex marriages, the right to have property ownership by daughters gets even more restricted.
As a country, we are thriving on paradoxes. Our constitution allows us the freedom to live and marry, but society and politics deny it. In parts of India, child marriages are still happening, but Queer marriages are not sanctioned.
Well, we hope that activists and lawyers succeed in the plea to legalize same-sex marriage in India at least under the special marriage act.
Also, tell us your opinions about what do you think about Queer marriages getting legal sanctions. Also read our blog on queer existence in Indian literature. For more such content, join the Fuzia community today or simply Download our App.