Sex? — ‘Okay, but talk slowly’ Pre-Marital sex? — ‘Shush, you will be banished from society.’ Not this time sweety, we are digging into the topic seldom spoken, but often thought about.
Sex is still a topic that is hushed upon in society. But what about Pre-Marital sex? That is considered a sin by many religious sectors. Women are hurt, burnt, abandoned, beaten up if found out that they were involved in Pre-Marital sex. But why is it such a taboo? It’s the 21st century, technology is advancing, the world is growing at a pace that was unimaginable years ago. In spite of all this, we still face women torture when it comes to Pre-marital sex.
Why? Let’s dig into it -
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Lack of sex education -
The prime issue of premarital sex is the lack of sex education. People are deprived of basic sex education which makes them confine themselves to the walls and keep a narrow view towards the world. They think sex is a reward you get for getting married and is a pleasure activity just for men. ‘Women are mere tools to satisfy men’ is a belief of many men in South Asian culture.
Conserved mentality -
When there’s a lack of education, the mind is not exposed to new ideas and thus we birth the conserved mentality. The conserved mentality is a disease that lets people not explore their sexual desires before marriage. Every human being has a right to have sex when they desire to with the consent of their fellow partner. Being forced to marry just for having sex and not a relationship is even worse than having sex before marriage. But then, how can you explain these to people who don’t have their mind parachutes open?
Lack of respect for women -
Another major reason why Pre-Marital sex is taboo is the lack of respect for women’s desires. If a man is having affairs before or in the marriage it is considered alright or the “he’s a man” statement is rubbed on our faces. But if it is a woman, then that’s a sin. This way women’s desires are not considered. Women are put in the backseat, for them their sexual fantasy will never be in reality around such people who think premarital sex is a sin.
Sex — A tool to manufacture kid -
Many communities still think that sex is just a way to produce kids and give birth to a new life. They don’t consider sex as a pleasure activity, they don’t even believe in a woman having an orgasm. This thinking needs to stop.
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Virginity is Purity -
The whole idea of ‘purity’ gives birth to these impure thoughts. Many religions still have the woman tested before marriage if she is ‘sealed’ or not, here sealed refers to her virginity. They refer to the woman who was involved in Premarital sex as a ‘used baggage’, ‘second-hand car’ and much worse terms. Virginity is glorified by every religious sector. A virgin woman is considered as Godly whereas a non-virgin is considered as a Satan worshipper and banished from their society.
The idea of being judged by the unknown society is also a part of this sham. Every woman has a right to choose what is right for her and not. Every woman should be treated equally, virgin or not. There are several victims who didn’t have sex before marriage but their virginity knot is broken due to other reasons, for example, horse riding — let’s save this discussion for some other blog. These women, too, are treated badly in spite of not being involved.
However, be it anybody, we should have no right to rule their bodies. Religious sectors, tribes and every other cult should realize that human beings can make the decision for themselves and they shouldn’t be ashamed of the same.
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Among these narrow heads, is an indigenous tribe that promotes Pre-Marital sex. The world needs to be open and available to accept this idea of humans doing what they like and not what society demands, at least not with their bodies! Women are a victim of this, men are a victim of this, the LGBT community is a victim of this, the overall human race is a victim. It’s time to rise and grow through these petty issues.
Body rights are human rights. Pre-marital sex should be normalised. We, as human beings should have the whole right to make our sexual decisions with consent and should not be bound due to some third party.
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