Who is a Male Ally?
A male ally is a man who advocates for women and their rights. He cooperates with women in their endeavors and supports gender equality. Male allies belong to an advantaged group in the community and acknowledge the privileges conferred to them by the society. These men are referred to as tempered radicals. They act as agents of change to challenge gender inequities at the workplace and help women who face disadvantages for various reasons.
Why do men need to become our allies?
The deep-rooted patriarchy and stereotypes have been holding women back for centuries now. They are constantly bound by stereotypes and subjected to sexism and are denied opportunities they actually deserve. Men form a major part of society and they can play a crucial role in promoting gender equality and supporting women whenever necessary. While men are largely responsible for women’s oppression and abuse, those who aren’t can help put an end to it. The “Not All Men” expression we hear from time to time can be put to a positive use here. Men who advocate for women’s rights will add more clout to the movement for empowerment. In a New York Times article, Michael Kaufman and Michael Kimmel said, “Men today support gender equality not only because we know it is fair and right and just, but because it will enable the women in our lives to be safer, to exercise their personal and social power, and because many of its initiatives will inspire us to be better fathers, better friends, and better partners. This in turn means we will all have better lives”. According to them, supporting feminism could set men free.
In 2014, actress Emma Watson addressed the United Nations, asking men to join the feminist women and support the #HeforShe campaign. The current changes in the social climate have also fueled the trend of men becoming allies to women. However, there are still many men out there who are indifferent to the issue. As the need for gender equality and feminism doesn’t affect them directly, they are reluctant to speak or even consider it an issue. Not to mention, they criticize and ridicule feminists. This is mostly because of a lack of information and regressive mindsets. Others believe in equality but are too embarrassed to call themselves feminists. But things have started getting better, and we have more men come forward to stand by the women in their endeavours for change.
How can men become better allies to women?
If we wish to bring a change in society, we need more men to engage and support the cause. Here’s how they can become better allies to women:
Listen to what they have to say
As a male ally, pay attention to what women have to say about the problems that affect them. Do not make assumptions about them if you don’t know the whole story. If they have an idea, listen rather than being dismissive.
Give them their due credit
Women are always disadvantaged at work. They are subjected to sexist remarks, denied opportunities, and are not recognized for their efforts. Male allies give due credit to women and appreciate them loudly for their outstanding work.
Speak out if something’s wrong
When you see sexist comments or prejudices, be an active bystander and challenge them. If your female friend or colleague has been subjected to some form of bias or abuse, encourage her to speak up.
Women need a considerable amount of space when approached by men. Do not intrude into their personal space without their permission, like hugging or touching them inappropriately. It may make women feel uncomfortable, especially sexual harassment or domestic violence survivors.
Engage in women’s initiatives
Participate in women’s conferences and events about gender equality. It will help you get a perspective on issues that concern women and support them in a better way.
Share the household workload
Taking care of the house and kids shouldn’t only be a woman’s responsibility. Help your wife, girlfriend, and mother with the household chores to take the extra burden off their shoulders. Share parental duties as much as possible.
In the office, you can step back from being the leader and instead recommend a talented female colleague for the position. Remember, they may not have been given the opportunity due to the inherent biases and sexism. Try to recognize their efforts publicly and make space for them in meetings and relevant projects.
Although there is still a long way to go in achieving equality, men can become our allies and we can work towards this goal together. Let’s try to make the world a better place where women are respected equally and are not victims of violence and other prejudices.
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Image credits: Freepik
Originally published at https://www.fuzia.com.