If you get emotional the first question, they ask you is “Are you PMS-ing?” No! Women don’t overreact. Stop asking us this.
Women are too moody, too fragile and too complaining and blah and blah and blah!!!! Women are more than often branded as being too emotional.
First things first; if a woman gets emotional, she is not PMSing all the time. She is not cranky because she is in her periods.
However, periods differ from PMS i.e. post menstrual syndrome. It involves physical and emotional symptoms like irritability, stress, upset, sleep deprivation and stomach cramps.
An estimate of 50–80% of women have experienced PMS in their lifetime. The exact causes are unknown but it is believed that the flux in hormones named- estrogen and progesterone which occurs during the luteal phase of menstruation causes this.
Full Disclosure: It happens from the ovulation period to the beginning of menstruation. As soon as menstruation begins the rocky road of PMS-ing ebbs away to come back again next month!
Having spoken about the PMS facts and figures, it’s time to address the big elephant. Women don’t OVARY-ACT! They don’t “melt-down” either but that’s a conversation for another day!
While every month we get a cocktail of emotions, the rest of the days are just fine. We aren’t moody. We aren’t too complaining. We are definitely not cranky because our eggs are being released. I mean let’s talk about the real problem. Shall we?
Once again, as every story unveils itself women’s voice is heard and not given much thought. Sometimes it’s the patriarch, sometimes it’s an exaggeration and the rest of the times women just overreact or rather PMS-ing. Our emotions and expressions get dismissed as something non-significant.
When is the right time for us to make one understand that whatever we said was what we felt? Our words came out because the thinking being in our bodies had a perception and a point to make.
Dear (all) readers,
I request you to not dismiss our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions whatsoever.
Here are the times when we want you to know that we are saying what matters to us:
And now
You reacted to a sly comment, a weird glance, a political statement, a generalized issue, a sexist remark which people usually tend to ignore, or just a gut feeling to react to anything which made you uncomfortable.
You second-guess your reaction; you think maybe it was nothing. Maybe they didn’t mean anything. Maybe you overreacted.
Maybe you did. Maybe you didn’t. Maybe it wasn’t anything. Maybe what you felt was completely valid.
Originally published at https://www.fuzia.com.